Friday, September 01, 2006

Trinity's First Bath

For the past few weeks, K and I have had discussions about Trinity's possible parentage. She is clearly not pure Dane -- so we think, "Boxer? Bull Terrier? . . ."

Well, we have the answer. We think that the attached may be an important key to the mystery:

After a late-evening bathing last night, Trinity became a gremlin. We mean this. Take note of the behavior from the end of this video clip. This was our house last night. Add fur and racing from one end of the trailer to the other. Add all night long.

We have decided that bath-time will have to be a morning event. But the good news is that she was sure tired this morning. Thank God we had to go to work so she can get some sleep.

Mogwai. Cute little Gizmo. Cute little Trinity. Add water and bad things happen. Mogwai.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys.

Love your blog.


I suspect I could give you a run for your money when it comes to dog bathing.

Just a quick word to the wise ......

If anyone ever suggests you help them give a Siberian Husky a bath make sure to remember this sage advice:
Do NOT even turn to look back , run for your life , do not pass go and for sure , do not stop to collect 200 dollars.

120 lbs of TRIPLE layered fur is bad enough. Now picture the strongest dog pound for pound on Earth in that tub. Triple layers of fur rather than the usual one or two layers of most breeds.

Using towels to dry.......... forget it. For the next several hours that bath you gave them makes you the enemy.

But man oh man can they shimmy and shake ALL over the house getting all that water from themselves.

Like the blog , Ami.

Thanks for inviting me to check it out.

And I am being real good in not making a comment about a wet t-shirt from one of your earlier entries.


Ok. Maybe not so good.
