Tuesday, January 20, 2009


In case anyone (aside from Amanda) noticed, I did NOT make a New Year’s Resolution to blog more regularly. To be completely honest, I am opposed to making New Year’s Resolutions. When I quit smoking a few years back, I actually decided to quit right around Christmas but continued to smoke for three more weeks to avoid leaving anyone with the impression I had quit as a New Year’s Resolution. Apparently impressions are more important than silly things like breathing.

So I don’t appear to be too concerned about the impression my lack of blogging may have on others, this will not be a real blog entry. These are mostly random thoughts and amusements I have collected across the past few weeks when I have not been blogging.

First: Running through fresh snow with a three-legged dog leaves interesting tracks.

Second: While these leather wipes are totally awesome at cleaning Dane drool off our fancy new couches, they are not suitable replacements for feminine wipes.

Finally: if one were inclined to follow through on a resolution, completely unrelated to any type of calendar event, such as getting oneself into better physical condition, one would find that sit-ups are a complicated matter here at MisFit Farm.


Hey There! I'm Amanda! said...

Ha! i can't do sit-ups with my mastiff around either. And you are doing better than me, resolutions or not. I picked the pack of Marlboros back up around the holidays after three years quitting. I bow my head to you and your prioritization of breath over nicotine...

Misfit Farms said...

I am no nicotine martyr - my joke is that on my way to K's funeral, I will stop off at QT, put a second mortgage on the house, and pick up a pack of Camels.

There is some debate over whether I will have the whole pack smoked by the time I hit the funeral parlor or not.

Fred Miller said...

I have never attempted crunches with a dog larger than thirty pounds on my chest. It's just no fun. Okay? Now, I love the smell of leather conditioning wipes. But you're right. They don't replace the human female scent. Not quite. And as for this: "Apparently impressions are more important than silly things like breathing," no one has spoken truer words. This is what's going to fix the economy. I love random abstraction, which is why I can never use either of my college degrees to make an honest living.

Anonymous said...

Yep, as non-helpful as the Danes are with general housekeeping, so they are with any exercise attempts. It helps add to the anti--exercise excuse pile. And no lack o' nicotine over here, I'm afraid. ;-)

Glad to see you blogging, observations or otherwise . . .


Unknown said...

so I couldn't help but feel the martyr of this particular blog...Thanks for finally blogging...even if it was at my expense.

And Ill make note not to use the couch wipes for anything other than the couch.

:) Happy Blogging!

Anonymous said...

The MN Majordanes are serious about the NO-SIT-UPS house rule! Not a single one gets past them. They are VIGILANT.

Whew, am I glad I have them... or my curves would WASTE clear away. ;) Ev.