Friday, December 04, 2009

Something about Emmett

One of the disadvantages of Dane ownership is summed up thusly: floppy lips. More exactly, wet, floppy lips. Wet, floppy lips that can leave an unsuspecting victim of love with a slime coating.
One of the advantages is the belly-laugh shared when standing up from the slobber assault to K's exclamation, "Oh look - hair by 'Something about Mary'!"


Tucker said...

Hi there from another Kansas family! I am a Wire Fox Terrier with a Border Collie sister, a Corgi mix brother and a trial Papillon sister; not to mention my three feline sibs. Your stories are so nice. It warms my heart to hear about how you have rescued and given so much love to so many doggies. Good job!

wags and licks...

Misfit Farms said...

Hi Tucker! We are always glad to hear from other Kansas folks who have caught the rescue bug! These critters have all made our world a much better place.

You and your sibs are lucky to have found a place of love and refuge as well.

Thanks for stopping by!

Leans and slobbers, The MisFits